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About Us

Youth Justice Wisconsin is an initiative inviting diverse groups of youth, families, community members, advocates, service providers, and system stakeholders to collaborate toward transforming the youth justice system and improving well-being for young people, ages 10-24, in Wisconsin. 


Our Vision

An effective youth justice system that is grounded in prevention, healing, and inclusion to protect all Wisconsin communities in a way that is fair for youth, families, and taxpayers.


We Believe

  • All children, adolescents, and emerging adults deserve the resources needed to reach their full potential.  

  • Prisons - regardless of their size - are a source of trauma and harm that does not improve public safety. 

  • Communities are safer when all people share in dignity and leadership. 

  • Our future lies in the full utilization of developmentally appropriate, community-based supports that address the root causes of trauma and racial disparities. 

  • Collaborating with partners who support the well-being of youth, families, and communities ensures that our public systems will do the same. 

When we take collective action we will achieve this vision in every community.  


Join Youth Justice Wisconsin to strengthen the relationships and utilize resources for meaningful and sustainable change in Wisconsin.  

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